
You may claim your own sub.domain here…

I set up this website here so as to make it a personal blog site for me and my family. However, if you are a genuine Koelewijn, and you can proof that to me, I will grant you your personal email & website here.

Just drop me a mail at box20@koelewijn.us with your id and which name you like to use before the .koelewijn.us part. For it to work I will need your present email address so I can sent you the activation mail. Looking forward to meeting all my extended family here 😉

If you so wish, I can also create a mail-forward for you, thereby sending the mail to your gmail account. This means that if your name is ‘jan-willem’ but in stead of having your mailbox here, you prefer having your personalized email ‘jan-willem@koelewijn.us’ delivered to your jan-willem-koelewijn@gmail.com’ then that can also be done. I just want to share the benefits of the koelewijn.us domain.

If you have any other questions or suggestions, just shoot me a mail and we will try to accommodate your request.

Oh… and your personal blog site can be in Dutch obviously 😉
And I am not charging anything for it too. Unless you need a LOT of disk space.